Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fixxer's pick of the day: Here comes the Cat Judge.

Cats/The Judge (Everywhere)

Date: 2012-05-30, 6:21PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Is this the same person spending all their time policing the wild and crazy world of Craigslist Pet ads??? OMG you're still at it??? Seriously, get a life. Nobody is on here trying to cause you any problems, quit causing them for other people for God's sake. (Yes, I used the word "God" too). Sue me.
  • Location: Everywhere
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 1234567890


  1. What the hell is up with these pet agenda people? Reading the pets category a hobby? A pretty lame hobby if you ask me.
    Daily readers why? Looking for a cat 24/7/365?

    The idiot that wrote this ad needs a life. Time to move out of Mom's basement dude.

  2. What do you think of Knuckles? She always bags on you. I have been reading this forum Your name comes up alot.

  3. Too bad the other dashies wouldn't start using this as a chat board. I know TheFixxer would throw out the trash.

    Let's get everyone to chat here. No more Fred and Knuckles just fun chatting.

  4. Knuckles is to much of a pussy to ever visit this blog as she thinks Fixxer tracks and collects IP numbers.

    What a crock of shit.

    For those reading without a clue go here and see the stupid x10.

  5. Knuckles has a small world powered by delusions cast in her own mind.

    She can't see anyone doing anything she wouldn't be doing herself.
