Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sometimes advice is golden.

I've seen that in action, actually.
 GAL_Team_Leader >03/14 06:46:49
Here's how it went down.

Everyone showed up at Steve's barn. You know, the one out west of town by the lake.

Anyway, everyone gathered into a big circle, and it was all decided, between 50 or so tech people, that they all liked and supported each others' business. Except for that paranoid guy. That guy, they had to get rid of one way or other.

First, it was real important that the paranoid guy not view flagging as a chance to fix an ad for better success. He MUST believe flagging is a war to be waged. This was easily accomplished, by the use of subliminal message tapes snuck into his bedroom. One of the techs was a former police officer, so the breaking and entering part was easy.

Then, at the barn meeting (disguised from the road to look like a salvation rally so the town wouldn't be suspicious), the secret mantra was chanted. The software program was distributed to each member, and rigged so that if they used it, it wouldn't affect each others' ads, only the ads of the paranoid guy -- the one with the bad ad that wasn't working as well as a well-written ad would. Because, ads that need improvement are just THAT scary.

Anyway, there was the secret handshake, and then music was played, and the drinking began.

Have I left anything out? Oh yeah, Bill got drunk and threw up.

Other than that, it was a pretty run-o-the-mill conspiracy meet.

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