Monday, January 24, 2011

Imping, imposers, imp handles, and tribute handles, a repost plus some.

  Impostors, or "imps" are an odd phenomenon, even stranger is why it is done.  Generally to hide, and bother the original handle, and the entire forum. Sometime done to discredit, or get a the original handle banned.
  Best things to do:
  1)  request a handle removal, and forum/IP bans, do not engage.
  2) if no one has noticed, post to inform the others before the damage is done, then flag, request a handle removal, forum and IP bans.
  3) neg them
  4) ignore them if the above help is not to your liking.

  What about the rash of "tribute" imps? What do you as helpers think about this recent excuse/phenomenon? Here are a few that have recently been posting. Do you think they are acceptable?  What are you thinking about this? Are tribute handle ok if they mind their manners and don't troll? Should the original handle have a say in it? I will be making a poll about this so keep an eye out here for it. 
  By the way, if you as readers of this blog have issues, articles, polls you would like to see put up, or your own writings you would like published, please let me know as I may publish these from time to time.

Some of the recent imps, and"tribute" handles, good, or bad:


Monday, January 17, 2011

If your handle is "haikuguy" don't be surprised when you get a haiku answer.

Here is the original post that haikuguy asked wanting a "hot secretary". haikuguy was wandering why it was flagged. Once again "Dashy" makes a brilliant post. Too bad these "Dashes" don't post in green to take credit for their work.

why was my post flagged? haikuguy > 01/17 12:02:57 

posted in Toronto craigslist
under gigs

title- a hot secretary needed for a business meeting

"A new and interesting event production company is looking to create a pool of talented actors to work with.
At the moment looking for a model/actress for the role of sexy corporate secretary/personal assistant for a business meeting.

Think of a hot Pepper Potts from Ironman- the girl has to have a presence, confidence. Just being "hot" won't do it.

No cameras involved. real business meeting, think of it as performance art.

Duration of job- a business meeting (20 minutes to an hour).
Pay 50$.

According to performance, compensation will go up as well as more calls and other rolls.

Only selected replies will be answered. "

got 1 email from someone claiming fee is too low.

any ideas?

Haiku-4-you - > 01/17 12:10:23
wanted hottie girl
posted stupid craigslist ad
all you got were flags

Sunday, January 16, 2011

If you are high, most categories on craigslist seem like the right place for your item, or pipe.

Here is the body of one of the ads. So,,,,$35 or BO? I got a laugh out of these.

Glass Piece x Used only 1 time x XL
Only $35 or BO

History: A friend bought this piece for me recently, but i don't smoke like that so i don't need it. Obviously it a nice piece, and its MSRP is 59.99
but ill take what i can get for it.

Please contact;
Call or Text 617-959-XXXX


Jan 16 - Multi Color Glass Bubblier Piece - $35 (Norwood) cell phones pic
image 2163215858-0image 2163215858-1image 2163215858-2image 2163215858-3
Jan 15 - Color Changing Glass Pipe - $35 (Norwood) arts & crafts pic
image 2162664104-0image 2162664104-1image 2162664104-2image 2162664104-3
Jan 15 - Glass Piece x Used only 1 time x XL - $35 (Norwood) video gaming pic
image 2162655866-0image 2162655866-1image 2162655866-2image 2162655866-3

sort by most recent best match low price high price

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Unpaid internships on craigslist, the controversy continues.

  So, it seems we are seeing more and more unpaid internships as flagged ads. Many, if not most advertisers are posting these to gigs as there is an option for "no pay" there (fig.1). Some are posting to jobs as there is an "internship" option (fig.2).
  Here are a few thing that make this tough for the advertisers and the helpers. The "job guidelines page" (fig.3) can ONLY be viewed by those posting jobs to a craigslist site that doesn't charge for job ads(fig.4). Those who post job ads to craigslist sites that charge per an ad do not get to see these guidelines. Another point to remember is that the ONLY place craigslist says that unpaid internships are prohibited is on the "job guidelines" page. Those posting gigs to ANY craigslist site will never see those guidelines during their posting process, or in the rules/FAQ/job-FAQ. This make it very confusing for all involved. Advertisers, helpers, and readers. Keep in mind we haven't even touched on if the internship is within the law.
  Now that we have some background information on craigslist, and why advertisers may be posting these ads we should now turn our focus to why are these ads being flagged by the readers. I am working on a "blurb" that will be formated in the same manner as the "wanted pets" one is, reasons readers MAY be flagging these. But till then I have a useful "blurb" that I use till then, you may use it also in it's complete form if you like.
  Below are pictures from the posting process for gigs and jobs that you might find helpful. Each picture if clicked on will show it full size.

"unpaid internships blurb"

Interships are jobs, not gigs. Jobs does not have a "no pay" option.

The Test For Unpaid Interns

There are some circumstances under which individuals who participate in “for-profit” private sector internships or training programs may do so without compensation. The Supreme Court has held that the term "suffer or permit to work" cannot be interpreted so as to make a person whose work serves only his or her own interest an employee of another who provides aid or instruction. This may apply to interns who receive training for their own educational benefit if the training meets certain criteria. The determination of whether an internship or training program meets this exclusion depends upon all of the facts and circumstances of each such program.

The following six criteria must be applied when making this determination:

1. The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment;
2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;
3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff;
4. The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;
5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship; and
6. The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.

If all of the factors listed above are met, an employment relationship does not exist under the FLSA, and the Act’s minimum wage and overtime provisions do not apply to the intern. This exclusion from the definition of employment is necessarily quite narrow because the FLSA’s definition of “employ” is very broad. Some of the most commonly discussed factors for “for-profit” private sector internship programs are considered below.

#4 is the downfall of nearly ALL internships.

(sorry these are in reverse order fig.4 first, fig.1 last)





Friday, January 14, 2011

New warning page for cars and trucks for sale on craigslist.

Thanks to "Dashy" for the tip!

Click on the picture to see it full size.

The debate over pet wanted ads on craigslist continues.

  Lately it seems there has been an uproar over "pet wanted ads" on craigslist. Many peanuts fighting over why the ads were flagged, or why they should not be reposted. No one know what goes through the mind of a flagger when they flag for sure, or why one ad stays, and another like ad is quickly removed.
  At one time Jim Buckmaster was quoted saying community > pets was a "petpourri"  for pets. Perhaps at one time, but today with the leading reason pet ads are removed is reader flags one must agree the readers are calling the shots. For better or for worse, this is the system at hand.
  I have compiled a short "blurb" on why "pet wanted ads" may drawing flags from the readers. Feel free to to use this in it's entirety.

 Although there is no way to know for sure what the readers in your area were thinking when they flagged your "pet wanted ad", here are some of the reason why readers MAY be flagging them:

1) no "pets wanted" category

2) millions of unwanted pets to be had throughout country

3) "wanted pet ads" are thought to be lazy

4) soliciting a prohibited item/sale

Finally this quote from an unknown peanut on this subject of "pet wanted ads":

"Pet wanted ads are usually flagged because many readers feel that the space in the comm/pets category should be used for finding homes for existing unwanted pets, they also feel that with millions of unwanted pets there should be no reason on this site to ask for one. If you repost, you may be flagged again."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Craigslist creates new dealer options for both motorcycles/scooters, and tickets.

  Now both motorcycle, and ticket dealers will be able to post their goods for sale by checking the dealer box during the posting process. This will be greatly appreciated by the readers. Motorcycle dealers have been up in arms about having to post to services to move their stock on hand.
  It also appears that ticket dealers may sell above "face value" as noted by the lack of a warning against it.

  These "new sub-categories" act as filters to remove dealers from your searches, or to only search dealers for your items as seen in these two pictures.
You now have the option to view/search "by owner" or, "by dealer", or "both" in these categories. this same option has been available for cars and trucks, and furniture for quite some time. The big question in my mind is when will boats be "dealered up".

Monday, January 10, 2011

Worst movie ever: "The craigslist Killer". Two thumbs down.

What a contrived boring plot. Real life can not be this boring as Lifetime has made it. It is as though Lifetime made this garbage in a hurry, stretching it to it's limits to fill the time needed. I think a High School drama class could have done better. A cast of people who will never live this flop down, they can only be thankful this wasn't the big screen. Two thumbs down says TheFixxer.

“The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) conducted online while preparing for a promising future as a doctor and a life of happiness with his fiancée, Megan McAllister (Agnes Bruckner). Seemingly destined for greatness as one of Boston University’s brightest med students, Markoff could do no wrong in the eyes of Megan...More about "The Craigslist Killer" movie 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Where have all the hookers gone? Found this on the internet.

How to Stop a Predator…? Don’t Ask Backpage, Yet.

–Online classified sites have to go all the way to protect girls from being trafficked–

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12, 2010 – Ongoing independent research commissioned by Women’s Funding Network, in partnership with the Georgia-based “A Future. Not A Past.” campaign, has exposed Internet classified sites as the most commonly used platform for buying and trafficking adolescent girls.

A report released in October by the AIM Group, a global team of consultants in interactive and traditional media, found that Village Voice Media, with its classifieds site, is the new leader in online sex advertising.  The site recently announced the acquisition of an online security specialist and an initial take-down of roughly half of their sex-related categories while putting others under review.

 The other half of the frequently misused categories to advertise illegal sex, often related to trafficking, remain active and girls continue to be exploited on backpage.

A CNN segment aired yesterday highlights the plight of just one of thousands of girls trafficked online every day.  A young woman who was coerced into the sex trade at 14 is suing Village Voice Media, accusing the newspaper conglomerate of knowingly allowing her trafficker to advertise her sexual services on, alleging that websites like backpage provide a “safe house” for traffickers and predators to buy and sell girls for sex.

“How many more girls will be trafficked before Village Voice Media takes comprehensive action to protect them? From what we’ve seen so far the answer is not nearly far enough,” says Deborah Richardson, chief programs officer at Women’s Funding Network. “The fact is that girls are being bought and sold online while media companies that provide a platform for this illegal activity increase their profits and market share,” Richardson adds.

“Drastic steps must be taken to combat sex trafficking of girls in the United States. Instead of applying a band-aid approach to the problem, companies like backpage must take action to truly protect girls through improved screening and monitoring, and increased cooperation with law enforcement,” concludes Richardson.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Best answer ever for "How many flags does it take to remove an ad?"

It is a shame this wise peanut didn't post in green and take credit for this brilliant line of work!

Exactly 47. Except when it's more, which is - > 01/07 21:40:02
the only other option, except for when it's less.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For sale: Cardboard Macbook Pro, homemade. Best of failure.


min home made macbook pro < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:15  -4  link
      : . . in best of attempting, to failure in finding. § < specialgreen > 01/05/11 22:16  -3
      : . . : . . fuck the, shut up. < -Tardiot- > 01/05/11 22:20  +10
      : . . Prohibited link & what's the blood deal? § < KiaStarr > 01/05/11 22:17  
      : . . : . . imgur is banned? should i host images on my own? < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:18  -1
      : . . : . . : . . Use CL uploader for pics § < KiaStarr > 01/05/11 22:19  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . low resolution < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:21  -2
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . Links are prohibited except in services. < KiaStarr > 01/05/11 22:22  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . hosted pics < ATWisSANTA > 01/05/11 22:26  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . TEXT. Use TEXT < - > 01/05/11 22:39  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . Hell no. < Target_Practice > 01/05/11 22:22  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . exactly. it is a waste of space and peoples tim § < e- > 01/05/11 22:22  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . what if someone wants a cardboard macbook? § < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:24  -4
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . Is your ad still up? < Target_Practice > 01/05/11 22:25  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . yes < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:29  -1
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . Uh no. < Target_Practice > 01/05/11 22:34    link
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . Your failure on this site is only < - > 01/05/11 22:26  
      : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . I can only think of one dweeb § < ATWisSANTA > 01/05/11 23:26  
      : . . people obviously slipped up and hit the wrong < button- > 01/05/11 22:17  
      : . . Oh hell no. < Target_Practice > 01/05/11 22:17    pic
      : . . : . . more specific? < oehrlein49 > 01/05/11 22:22  -2
      : . . : . . : . . Really? < Target_Practice > 01/05/11 22:23  
      : . . For you: < clfps > 01/05/11 22:20