Saturday, September 25, 2010

Trolls, they are a part of history Scandinavians do not want to mention.

  Trolls, they originated in Scandinavia. Many of them are believed to have immigrated to the United States in the late 1800s. Since then they have grown in numbers and have found a home in internet forums, message boards, and news groups. They are easy to spot due to their foolish behavior. They often make up wild stories like " Many of the alleged "helpers" in this forum are abusive, dysfunctional imbeciles. "sfdon" is an openly admitted homosexual escort agency owner in San Francisco. Please totally ignore everything this depraved, physically & emotionally sick individual says."  But they are easily removed with flags, or emails to "abuse", never a need to respond to them as that is their goal to get attention.
  Here is a few URLs to todays troll shenanigans. Enjoy!

ATTN:HoundLover19... splain_this > 09/25 11:19:21
Please understand that these idiots are in here 24/7 insulting CL users because they have no outside lives. There are NO staff members present here. We are all just your fellow CL users. Many of the alleged "helpers" in this forum are abusive, dysfunctional imbeciles. "sfdon" is an openly admitted homosexual escort agency owner in San Francisco. Please totally ignore everything this depraved, physically & emotionally sick individual says.
Craigslist apologizes to you for the way you were just treated in here.
Sorry! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I have to ad to this blog post.

    Just encase there is any confusion, I have personally met sfdon. Non of what the troll said is true as "Don" runs a "Alpinahound rescue". If you have never heard of an Alpinahound that is because it is an inside joke between "Don" and I.


